Minggu, 15 Mei 2011


Last year, me and my family went to Bandung, West Java. We visited Bandung to holiday. We went to Bandung by a train. Train departed from Jatinegara Railway Station at 10 a.m and arrived in Bandung at 12.30 p.m. My uncle picked and took us to his house. We stayed in my uncle’s home for three days.

In Bandung, we didn’t waste our time. We visited Kawah Putih. Kawah Putih is located in Ciwidey (South Bandung). It took about 2 hours from my uncle’s home. White Crater is very beautiful. Kawah Putih can have different color in their lake. And the weather was so cold. Tourists took a photos with Kawah Putih as a background.

Then we visited strawberry farm. In there, tourists can directly pick strawberies by themselves. So many strawberries in various types such as strawberry jam, strawberry juice, strawberry dodol.

Last day, it was shopping time. We went to factory outlet in Jl Riau. There are a lots of stores and factory outlets along this road. Factory outlets are the most popular places in Bandung. I bought some clothes here.

We also taste some traditional food like Surabi, Batagor, etc. My parents bought some traditional foods for our neighbors in Jakarta. Such as Keripik (chips) tempe, Peuyeum , Brownies “Amanda”. I really happy in this holiday.

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