Senin, 09 Mei 2011


My first cat named Pretty. I found her in front of my house when the raining. Her mother was died. So I decided to keep her. Even though my parents were not allowed to keep pet in our house, I stubbornly insisted on keeping Pretty until my parents gave in. I remember how hard it was to take care my cat. When Pretty died, I was so sad.

At present my cat is Yuldut. My father’s friend gave her to me. I’ve had her since she was 4 months old and now she almost 6 years old. Yuldut is an Angora cat. Yuldut has long hair, big eyes and pug nose. But she is so cute.

One day, Yuldut escaped from my house. She ran across the street. I ran after her and calling her, but she didnot seem to listen. Yuldut was nowhere to be seen. I felt so worried. She could not survive in the street. But if she could not be found, what would I do ?. Finally my friend found Yuldut slept under the car. I was so happy because I did not lose her.

Yuldut usually meowing louder when she feel hungry. As for her food, canned and dried food is my choice. I always wash her twice a month. At the night, Yuldut sleep under my bed.

Cats make me smile. Looking at them is like therapy for me, except when they poops. Cats are cute and classy. There is no doubt that I am a cat lover.Even the Prophet Muhammad loved cat.

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